Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Device E9 Security Specialist Integrity Sergeant Major of AA E1 m/s metres per second Assault Specialist

Suppressive Results FV fighting vehicle ATFCS Automated Targeting and Fire Control System Hawkeye
Honor Specialist Follow Me DAREOD damaged airfield reconnaissance explosive ordnance disposal Not on my Watch
Against all Odds GAMA Gun Automatic Multiple Ammunition MEF Marine Expeditionary Force
ECB Engineering and Construction Bulletins Up and at 'Em Loyalty IVPDL InterVehicle Positioning and Data Link
OHWS Offensive Hand Weapon System Corporal SWARM Stabilised Weapon and Reconnaissance MountArmy Values
Scoring "V" for Victory Distinguished Automatic Rifleman TDR Target Data Receiver Two Birds One Stone Recovery Specialist
E9 Master SergeantLAD light aid detachment First Sergeant AGL above ground level ACLOSAutomatic Command to Line of
Sight AVLB Armoured vehiclelaunched bridge Stick to the PlanSergeant WAC Women's Army Corps and individual members
of; obsolete HSTV(L) HighSurvivability Test Vehicle (Lightweight)  MASS Marine Air Support Squadron
E7 M320 Leaf Sight Private First Class HIRE Hughes Infrared Equipment Staff Sergeant ASD Instant Ammunition Selection

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