Tuesday, September 2, 2014

E-5 Sergeant Major LMAW – Light Multi-purpose Assault Weapon HERA – high-explosive rocket-assisted

Crosshair E-9 Posture indicator KPA – Korean People's ArmyCorporal Round Timer Health Bar Loyalty
IFCS – Improved/Integrated Fire-Control System SGTS – Second-Generation Tank Sight Integrity
SFW – Special Forces Weapon E-9 ACOG RCO EFP – Explosively Formed Penetrator No "I" in Team
GSR – General Staff Requirement (US) MATSG – Marine Air Training Support Group Integrity
Up and at 'Em Honor Not on my Watch Assault Specialist E-7 Respect MAP – Military Aid Programme Private (Post BCT) ISU –
Integrated Sight Unit Hawkeye . Rate of Fire Indicator BLITS – Beta lighted infantry telescope system Army Values Scoring
USN – United States Navy Personal Courage Specialist Security Specialist LFHG – Lightweight Fragmentation Hand Grenade
SOP – Standing/Standard Operational Procedure(s) Very Important Player Holding Breath to Improve Accuracy ARMVAL –
Anti-armor vehicle evaluation (US) Staff Sergeant Two Birds, One Stone MV – muzzle velocity IR – Infra-Red FBI – Federal
Bureau of Investigation Sergeant First Class MWHS – Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron One Man Army Ultimate Sacrifice
Defense Specialist Soldier Ranks PM – Product Manager First Sergeant Loyalty HEPD – high-explosive point detonating
Deadeye AIFV – Armoured infantry fighting vehicle "V" for Victory Distinguished Grenadier LVT – Landing Vehicle Tracked (US)
Tag & Bag Stick to the Plan Duty DPICM – dual-purpose improved conventional munition (US) E-2LTFCS – Laser Tank Fire-
Control System LAV – Light Armored Vehicle (US) Weapon InventoryAvengerGLS – Gesellschaft für Logistischen Service TP-
SM – target practice - smoke Location Indicator TBAT – TOW/Bushmaster Armored Turret (US)

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