Tuesday, September 2, 2014

SAS-EAS – Sealed Authenticator System - Emergency Action Procedures (Nuclear Weapons Release Control)

Suppressive Results Advancement Points E-6 Selfless Service METT-TC – Mission, Enemy, Terrain and weather, Troops and
support available—Time available, Civilians Respect Anatomical Damage Model E-4
A/C – aircraft commander Sergeant Major of AA GCT – Grande Cadence de Tir (high rate of fire) LWS – laser warning system
Distinguished Squad Designated Marksman Stamina Bar EMC – Executive Management Committee HonorMaster Sergeant
Distinguished Automatic Rifleman Distinguished Rifleman IM – Insensitive Munition(s) Mount
Walk it Off PVP – Petit Véhicule Protégé Sergeant Got your BackPOA&M – Plan Of Action & Milestones
Recovery Specialist E-4 bhp – Brake horsepower APHE – Armour-piercing high explosive A3 Iron Sights
Personal Courage E-8Command Sergeant Major E-9 E-8 ICM – BB improved conventional munition base bleed E-1
Duty ATTC – All Terrain Tracked Carrier CSB – Combat Support Boat The Consummate Professional
M68 Aimpoint Selfless Service Private First Class AMC – United States Army Materiel Command OT – operational test
RFC – Royal Flying Corps CGS – Crew gunnery simulator WM – Woman/Women Marine(s)
Against all Odds MICOM – Missile Command (US) Inventory Menu Recruit(During BCT) ATS – Atelier de Construction de
Tarbes E-3 TOW – Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire command link guided (US)CVRDE – Combat vehicle research and
development establishment (India) EPG – Enhanced Performance Grenade VARRV – Vickers Armoured Repair and Recovery
Vehicle Mr. ZipcuFF Spotless Record SR – Short Rifle FRES – Future Rapid Effect System

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